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Volunteer Opportunities

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Brief Description
Event Volunteer
This volunteer assists in the organization and support of events with Archie's Rescue.
Fundraising Volunteer
This volunteer assists in the fundraising efforts of Archie's Rescue. Post-secondary students welcome!
This volunteer assists in the photography of events and adoptees, editing the photos for use on our website, social media, and blog posts/newsletters. Must have own camera and equipment. Post-secondary students welcome!
Rabbit Care Support
These volunteers help to clean rabbit areas, change litters, or other tasks, including socializing rabbits.
Rabbit Rescue Volunteer/Trap Checker
Rescue volunteers go on a "call list" to assist, as needed, in the live capture of domestic rabbits in the community. These calls are currently few, as we are overcapacity and unable to bring in more rescues. Volunteers need to have reliable transportation and a cell phone.
Video Producer/Editor
This volunteer creates videos for educational and promotional purposes and manages the rescue's YouTube channel. Post-secondary students welcome.
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